Thunder God, Wonder God

“Robert Boss’s study goes well beyond what others have done before…adds significantly to understanding Edwards.” – MARK A. NOLL

Upcoming in 2023 at JESociety

New Year’s Eve was exciting as contributions continued to roll in for Volume 3 of The Jonathan Edwards Miscellanies Companion. It is shaping up to be a great third installment in the series!

Invitation to the Types Explorer Project

Interested persons are cordially invited to participate in the Types Explorer project. This invitation is open to laypersons, ministers, students, and scholars. Your participation will assist in the development of the software and identifying topics of interest for digital presentations and a forthcoming book. Your input is appreciated! If we look on these shadows of…

Zero to One

A Creative Leap from Zero to One and a Call for Papers

Streams and Wheels of Providence

“‘Tis because the providence of God is like a wheel, as a machine composed of wheels, having wheels in the midst of wheels…”