Theology and the Art of Temptation

A new podcast where the devils Doctor Freefall and his apprentice Slidefoot discuss how to twist theological truths in order to tempt and manipulate their subjects. Their expertise lies in Jonathan Edwards and spiritual awakening. “Their foot shall slide in due time.”—Deut. 32:35

Miscellanies Companions, Volumes 1–3

The Jonathan Edwards Miscellanies Companion, Volume 3 is now available. Foreword by Rhys Bezzant, Director of the Jonathan Edwards Center, Ridley College Melbourne.

Meeting Christ at His Table

This learned and judicious treatment of Jonathan Edwards’ doctrine of the Lord’s Supper is now the place to begin for serious readers. It places Edwards’ doctrine reliably in historical, practical, and theological context, helping students understand the reasons Edwards was ejected from his pulpit in Northampton—and helping Christians participate in this sacrament more faithfully and holily. – Douglas A. SweeneyBeeson Divinity School Samford University

Upcoming in 2023 at JESociety

New Year’s Eve was exciting as contributions continued to roll in for Volume 3 of The Jonathan Edwards Miscellanies Companion. It is shaping up to be a great third installment in the series!

Zero to One

A Creative Leap from Zero to One and a Call for Papers

New and True Life

The Marks of the Holy Spirit in Genuine Believers according to Jonathan Edwards in The Religious Affections, by Craig Biehl