Big thanks to all contributors who participated in “The Miscellanies Project” and their contributions to The Miscellanies Companion! Publication is scheduled for early 2019.
Category: Announcements
Update on The Miscellanies Project
Book arriving late 2018!
Protected: Introducing JEViewer
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New JEC Launches at Gateway Seminary in 2018
The center, or JEC, will be affiliated with the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University in New Haven, Ct. An agreement between the two institutions was signed in October … The JEC at Gateway will be the third in the U.S., joining the one at Yale and one at Trinity International University in the Chicago…
The Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia
An essential volume for Edwards lovers, The Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia will prove to be indispensable for study of America’s theologian. A few days ago contributors started receiving their complimentary copies from Eerdmans Publishing Company. A quick scan of Facebook’s newsfeed revealed the excitement of many of the authors proudly holding their copies, sometimes opened to…
Jonathan Edwards, Continuous Creation and Christology
Volume 1 in A Series of Treatises on Jonathan Edwards JESociety Press is pleased to announce A Series of Treatises on Jonathan Edwards, an all new series given exclusively to the select publication of cutting-edge research related to America’s greatest theologian. The series provides authors with a venue for publishing original, concise, authoritative and peer-reviewed manuscripts….
Making The Visual Jonathan Edwards
My interest in visualizing Jonathan Edwards dates back over 10 years to a time when I began studying Edwards’ “Images of Divine Things” as a theologically rich devotional resource. I shared some of that backstory last year in an interview with Matthew Everhard. This past summer I met with Joey Cochran, Assistant Director of the…
Edwardseana, Fall 2017
The third annual issue of Edwardseana from the Edwards Center at TEDS is now available with great book reviews and events in the field of Jonathan Edwards Studies, including a feature story on JESociety (pp. 20–23). Download
Current State of The Miscellanies Project
The visualization below is a snapshot of the current state of The Miscellanies Project. The deep zoom image is a comprehensive network graph of selections made by the project contributors to date. To learn more go to