John H. Gerstner’s Interleaved Bible

Recently we received an interesting email regarding the late Edwardsean scholar and theologian Dr. John H. Gerstner: In the 1990’s my pastor, Dr. Carl Bogue, told me on at least two occasions of an interleaved Bible kept by the late Dr. John H. Gerstner. Evidently, it was a rather large Bible (unlike the JE interleaved…

Invitation for Contributors

Call for Submissions The Miscellanies Project is now inviting contributors. Participants in this project must have at minimum a master’s degree in history, theology, philosophy, religious studies, literature, or related fields, or be able to demonstrate their qualifications to contribute to the project. [Read more about The Miscellanies Project and Reader] Stage One: Topic Selection – Deadline…

The Miscellanies Reader

A Unique Contribution There is a history of efforts to map the relationships among Edwards’ notebooks and sermons. Wilson Kimnach provides a wonderful diagram of dependencies in volume 10 of the WJE. “The Miscellanies Project” of the JESociety is a contribution to this effort. This project will enable scholars to conduct deep, comparative visual analyses…

The Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia

Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) is widely acknowledged to be one of America’s most important theologians and considered a fountainhead of American evangelicalism. He not only played an important role in his own time but also influenced the generations that followed in profound ways. Many thanks to the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University and Wm. B….

Update: The Miscellanies Project

JESociety’s “Miscellanies Project” is progressing at a brisk pace. Below is a brief outline which provides a few details of our roadmap. The Goal: Produce deep, comparative, visual analyses that span the entirety of “Miscellanies” nos. a–1360 Discover subtle nuances and new connections in JE’s thought Example Question: Query: What is JE’s related thinking on…

Miscellanies Project

Volumes 13, 18, 20, and 23 of The Works of Jonathan Edwards are the “Miscellanies”—private notebooks containing thirty-six years of Edwards’s profound, and sometimes controversial, theological reflection. The goal of the Miscellanies Project is to visually unlock his notebooks, map the intricate connections in his thought, and produce an interface that is navigable by touchscreen, mouse, and keyboard.

Bright Shadows of Divine Things

Bright Shadows of Divine Things: The Devotional World of Jonathan Edwards intends to foster a devotional frame of mind—attentiveness and contemplation in our everyday lives, on every occasion. There are manifold reminders of God’s presence around us if we would only take time to ponder them …

New book on JE and Atonement

JONATHAN EDWARDS on the ATONEMENT Understanding the Legacy of America’s Greatest Theologian By Brandon James Crawford Forward by Joel Beeke Available on: Amazon Wipf and Stock About the Book: The gospel is the heart of the Christian faith, and the atonement is the heart of the gospel. In this work, Pastor Brandon Crawford offers a study…

JE Essays on your Tablet

The PDF version of the Collection of Essays displays wonderfully on a 10 inch tablet and retains all of the formatting and pagination of the large-format print version. Searchable Hyperlinked table of contents Margin references hyperlinked to bibliography Available here. Enter the offer code “fiftyoff” for a limited time 50% discount $9.00 $4.50.