Here is wonderful interview with David Luke on his new book, Meeting Christ at His Table: Jonathan Edwards and the Lord’s Supper
Category: Videos
TYPES EXPLORER: “Edwards Among the Emblem Writers”
A new addition to the Visual Edwards Project
Wheels of Providence
Video and Interactive Visualization
Zero to One
A Creative Leap from Zero to One and a Call for Papers
Edwards’s Brain on Original Sin
Visualized from WJE 1-26
Announcing: Visual Edwards Interactive Apps
“Heaven is a World of Love” and “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”—Playable in modern web browsers, Visual Edwards Interactive Apps provide a new approach to America’s Theologian: 3D and 2D visualizations with adjustable layout, reference links to The Works of Jonathan Edwards Online, and integrated auto-highlighting of WJEO text.
Topic Exploration in “The Excellency of Christ”
This video is an example of topic exploration in a text of Jonathan Edwards, in this case “The Excellency of Christ.”
Crossing a Threshold
Those who are interested in the great American theologian Jonathan Edwards may find this of interest. Part of a long term collaborative publishing project to explore the cavernous notebooks of Edwards, the Visual Edwards Project aims to render Edwards’s thought structures into vibrant visualizations.
Topic Discovery in “A Divine and Supernatural Light”
Extracting topics from Edwards’s sermon . . . Scroll down for the clickable page references which link to The Works of Jonathan Edwards Online