Bright Shadows: Hell

Hell is the twenty-first in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: Judgment

Judgment is the twentieth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: Death, Resurrection, and Eternity

Death, Resurrection, and Eternity is the nineteenth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: Last Things

Last Things is the eighteenth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: The Church

The Church is the seventeenth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: Sanctification and Perfection

Sanctification and Perfection is the sixteenth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: Ease and Prosperity

Ease and Prosperity is the fifteenth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook. The Bright Shadows series is under active development with more videos on the way. View a showcase of the…

Bright Shadows: Adversity

Adversity is the fourteenth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: New Birth

New Birth is the thirteenth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.