The video below is a visualization of Edwards’ mentions of happiness, misery, and related terms, as well as where they occur in the letterpress edition of The Works of Jonathan Edwards, volumes 1–26. Download a PDF of the full visualization and zoom in to explore.
Category: Videos
Bright Shadows: True Religion
True Religion is the twelfth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.
Bright Shadows: The Christian Life
The Christian Life is the eleventh in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.
Bright Shadows: Temptation, Sin, and Death
Temptation, Sin, and Death is the tenth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.
Background to Visual Edwards
This video gives a brief background to the development of Visual Edwards software. This is a research tool to help unravel Edwards’ “Miscellanies.” The second volume of The Miscellanies Project is currently underway. Topic approval deadline for The Miscellanies Companion, Volume 2 is June 1, 2020. Check topic availability at the Call for Papers page.
Bright Shadows: Humanity
Humanity is the nineth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.
Bright Shadows: Suprahuman Beings
Suprahuman Beings is the eighth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.
Bright Shadows: Providence and Purpose
Providence and Purpose is the seventh in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.
Bright Shadows: Creation
Creation is the sixth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.