A simple Windows program to help researchers navigate VISUAL EDWARDS and look up the page references to the Works of Jonathan Edwards Online. View video demo below to see how it works.

Bright Shadows: God the Holy Spirit

God the Holy Spirit is the fifth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: God the Son

God the Son is the fourth in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: God the Father

God the Father is the third in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: Trinity

Trinity is the second in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: Revelation

Revelation is the first in the Bright Shadows series of interactive videos which explores Jonathan Edwards’ notebook “Images of Divine Things.” The clickable elements that occasionally appear contain comments and links to entries in Edwards’ notebook.

Bright Shadows: Interactive Video Series

Announcing the launch of Bright Shadows: Interactive Video Series, part of the Visual Edwards project. The interactive video series builds upon the book Bright Shadows of Divine Things: The Devotional World of Jonathan Edwards.

1450. Beautiful Bubbles

Visual Edwards video based on entries from Jonathan Edwards’ notebook Images of Divine Things and The Diary of David Brainerd