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©2023 ROB BOSS, PhD

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Genesis 6:4. The monstrous births that arose from the conjunction of the sons of God with the daughters of men, typifies unto us what an odious monster results from the conjoining of holy things with wicked, or of a holy profession with a wicked life in hypocrites, and what powerful enemies against religion such are, whether they are particular persons or churches, as the Church of Rome, that monstrous beast, in whom are joined the profession of the name of Christ and many of his doctrines with the most odious devilism, who has “horns as a lamb, but speaks as a dragon” [Revelation 13:11]. And their bulk and huge stature denotes their pride, as none are so proud as hypocrites.... And their great bulk, and strength, and renown, besides the pride of such persons and churches as join the religion, doctrines, and worship, and profession of his church with the deluding glories and bewitching pleasures of this world, and of the heathenish and other humane and carnal churches and societies of it (here typified by the beauty of “the daughters of men”), I say, besides the pride of such churches, these things seem to denote the earthly pomp and splendor, and worldly renown and glory, and great temporal power that such churches affect, and are commonly in providence suffered to arrive to, as the Church of Rome and others. - “Notes on Scripture,” nos. 5 and 257





Visual Edwards Highlighter
(drag to bookmarks bar)

Term Set A: monstrous monster wicked odious pride

Term Set B: birth beast church rome power

Max Distance Between Terms = 6

Reference List A/B

1:362 - Freedom of the Will (WJEO 1)
2:100 - Religious Affections (WJEO 2)
2:318 - Religious Affections (WJEO 2)
5:186 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
5:392 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
5:400 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
9:155 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:159 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:353 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
10:471 - Sermons and Discourses 1720-1723 (WJEO 10)
11:123 - Typological Writings (WJEO 11)
15:50 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:205 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:338 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
20:49 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
20:105 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
20:146 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
20:184 - The Miscellanies, 833-1152 (WJEO 20)
23:209 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
24:470 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:498 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:714 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:1016 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
27:2 - Controversies Notebook (WJEO 27)
30:5 - Prophecies of the Messiah (WJEO 30)
32:554 - Correspondence by, to, and about Edwards and His Family (WJEO 32)
38:1 - Dismissal and Post-Dismissal Documents (WJEO 38)
43:9 - Sermons, Series II, 1728-1729 (WJEO 43)
43:28 - Sermons, Series II, 1728-1729 (WJEO 43)
44:10 - Sermons, Series II, 1729 (WJEO 44)
44:29 - Sermons, Series II, 1729 (WJEO 44)
45:2 - Sermons, Series II, 1729-1731 (WJEO 45)
45:36 - Sermons, Series II, 1729-1731 (WJEO 45)
46:25 - Sermons, Series II, 1731-1732 (WJEO 46)
48:8 - Sermons, Series II, 1733 (WJEO 48)
48:13 - Sermons, Series II, 1733 (WJEO 48)
48:19 - Sermons, Series II, 1733 (WJEO 48)
48:33 - Sermons, Series II, 1733 (WJEO 48)
48:39 - Sermons, Series II, 1733 (WJEO 48)
49:16 - Sermons, Series II, 1734 (WJEO 49)
51:23 - Sermons, Series II, 1736 (WJEO 51)
51:38 - Sermons, Series II, 1736 (WJEO 51)
52:20 - Sermons, Series II, 1737 (WJEO 52)
53:22 - Sermons, Series II, 1738, and Undated, 1734-1738 (WJEO 53)
54:2 - Sermons, Series II, 1739 (WJEO 54)
65:31 - Sermons, Series II, 1747 (WJEO 65)
67:22 - Sermons, Series II, 1749 (WJEO 67)

Reference List B/A

1:403 - Freedom of the Will (WJEO 1)
2:335 - Religious Affections (WJEO 2)
5:109 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
5:150 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
5:233 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
5:416 - Apocalyptic Writings (WJEO 5)
9:159 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:178 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:445 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:491 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
9:503 - A History of the Work of Redemption (WJEO 9)
10:348 - Sermons and Discourses 1720-1723 (WJEO 10)
12:410 - Ecclesiastical Writings (WJEO 12)
13:166 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
13:503 - The Miscellanies: (Entry Nos. a-z, aa-zz, 1-500) (WJEO 13)
14:126 - Sermons and Discourses: 1723-1729 (WJEO 14)
15:50 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
15:102 - Notes on Scripture (WJEO 15)
17:64 - Sermons and Discourses, 1730-1733 (WJEO 17)
17:155 - Sermons and Discourses, 1730-1733 (WJEO 17)
17:325 - Sermons and Discourses, 1730-1733 (WJEO 17)
18:90 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 501-832) (WJEO 18)
18:114 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 501-832) (WJEO 18)
19:569 - Sermons and Discourses, 1734-1738 (WJEO 19)
22:68 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 (WJEO 22)
22:69 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 (WJEO 22)
22:78 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 (WJEO 22)
22:79 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 (WJEO 22)
22:267 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 (WJEO 22)
22:374 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 (WJEO 22)
22:405 - Sermons and Discourses, 1739-1742 (WJEO 22)
23:566 - The Miscellanies, (Entry Nos. 1153-1360) (WJEO 23)
24:614 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:644 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
24:1205 - The Blank Bible (WJEO 24)
25:121 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758 (WJEO 25)
25:307 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758 (WJEO 25)
25:634 - Sermons and Discourses, 1743-1758 (WJEO 25)
30:1 - Prophecies of the Messiah (WJEO 30)
42:34 - Sermons, Series II, 1723-1727 (WJEO 42)
43:18 - Sermons, Series II, 1728-1729 (WJEO 43)
43:28 - Sermons, Series II, 1728-1729 (WJEO 43)
44:41 - Sermons, Series II, 1729 (WJEO 44)
45:1 - Sermons, Series II, 1729-1731 (WJEO 45)
45:8 - Sermons, Series II, 1729-1731 (WJEO 45)
46:6 - Sermons, Series II, 1731-1732 (WJEO 46)
46:21 - Sermons, Series II, 1731-1732 (WJEO 46)
46:24 - Sermons, Series II, 1731-1732 (WJEO 46)
47:24 - Sermons, Series II, 1731-1732 (WJEO 47)
47:32 - Sermons, Series II, 1731-1732 (WJEO 47)
48:19 - Sermons, Series II, 1733 (WJEO 48)
49:18 - Sermons, Series II, 1734 (WJEO 49)
51:19 - Sermons, Series II, 1736 (WJEO 51)
53:12 - Sermons, Series II, 1738, and Undated, 1734-1738 (WJEO 53)
53:19 - Sermons, Series II, 1738, and Undated, 1734-1738 (WJEO 53)
54:2 - Sermons, Series II, 1739 (WJEO 54)
54:23 - Sermons, Series II, 1739 (WJEO 54)
62:1 - Sermons, Series II, 1744 (WJEO 62)
65:31 - Sermons, Series II, 1747 (WJEO 65)
66:11 - Sermons, Series II, 1748 (WJEO 66)
68:21 - Sermons, Series II, 1750 (WJEO 68)



Term Set A: monster, monstrous, odious, pride, wicked

Term Set B: beast, birth, church, power, rome

Reference List: 1:362 1:403 2:100 2:318 2:335 5:109 5:150 5:186 5:233 5:392 5:400 5:416 9:155 9:159 9:178 9:353 9:445 9:491 9:503 10:348 10:471 11:123 12:410 13:166 13:503 14:126 15:50 15:102 15:205 15:338 17:64 17:155 17:325 18:90 18:114 19:569 20:49 20:105 20:146 20:184 22:68 22:69 22:78 22:79 22:267 22:374 22:405 23:209 23:566 24:470 24:498 24:614 24:644 24:714 24:1016 24:1205 25:121 25:307 25:634 27:2 30:1 30:5 32:554 38:1 42:34 43:9 43:18 43:28 44:10 44:29 44:41 45:1 45:2 45:8 45:36 46:6 46:21 46:24 46:25 47:24 47:32 48:8 48:13 48:19 48:33 48:39 49:16 49:18 51:19 51:23 51:38 52:20 53:12 53:19 53:22 54:2 54:23 62:1 65:31 66:11 67:22 68:21