International Jonathan Edwards Conference at Yale, Oct 2–4

Yale & the International Jonathan Edwards Conference

October 2–4, 2019
Yale University

A conference bringing together the directors of the international Edwards Center affiliates from around the world, along with prominent scholars and religious leaders, to assess the state of Edwards Studies and discern areas for future work.

For registration information, go to or email


Events at Yale University Divinity School, unless otherwise noted
Speakers & venues subject to change

Sponsored by a grant from the MacDonald Agape Foundation

Oct. 2

5:00 p.m: Greetings

Dean Gregory Sterling and Prof. Harry S. Stout

Opening Keynote

Harry S. Stout, Yale University, Chair

George M. Marsden, University of Notre Dame (Emeritus)

6:00: Reception with Special Exhibit, Yale Divinity School Library

Oct. 3

8:00 a.m.: Continental Breakfast

8:30: Session I: United States and Canada

Ava Chamberlain, Wright State University, Chair

Douglas Sweeney, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, JEC-Midwest USA

Chris Chun, Gateway Seminary, San Francisco, JEC-USA West

Oliver Crisp, Fuller Seminary, JEC-USA West

Ava Chamberlain, Wright State University

10:30: Break

11:00: Session II: Africa

Melanie Ross, Yale Divinity School, Chair

Adriaan C. Neele, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Victor Emma-Adamah, Cambridge University, JEC-Africa

Dolf Britz, University of the Free State, South Africa

12:30: Lunch

Special presentation: Rob Boss, Director, JE Society, “The Visual Edwards” (Rm. N54)

1:30: Session III: Asia & Australia

Michael J. McClymond, Saint Louis University, Chair

Rhys Bezzant, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia, JEC-Australia

Peter Jung, Independent Scholar, Atlanta, Ga.

Anri Morimoto, International Christian University, Japan, JEC-Japan

3:00: Session IV: Eastern Europe

Wojceich Szczerba, Rector, Evangelical School of Theology, Wroclaw, Poland, Chair

Joel Burnell, Evangelical School of Theology, Wroclaw, Poland, JEC-Poland

Michael Choinski, Jagiellonian University, JEC-Poland

Tibor Fabiny, Károli Gáspár University, Budapest, Hungary, JEC-Hungary

Gerald McDermott, Beeson Divinity School

4:30: Plenary Address

Harry S. Stout, Yale University, Chair

Mark Noll, University of Notre Dame (Emeritus)

Dinner on your own

Oct. 4

8:00 a.m.: Continental Breakfast

8:30: Session V: South America

Erika Helgen, Yale Divinity School, Chair

Heber De Campos, Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brazil, JEC-Brazil

Franklin Ferreira, Martin Bucer Seminary, São Paulo, Brazil, JEC-Brazil

9:30: Break

10:00 Session VI: Western Europe & the United Kingdom

Kenneth P. Minkema, Jonathan Edwards Center, Chair

Andreas Beck, Evangelical Theological Faculty, Leuven, Belgium, JEC-Benelux

Philip Fisk, Evangelical Theological Faculty, Leuven, Belgium, JEC-Benelux

Crawford Gribben, Queen’s University, Belfast (with Daniel Hill, University of Liverpool), JEC-UK

Michael McClenahan, Union Theological College, Northern Ireland

Jan Stievermann & Ryan Hoselton, University of Heidelberg, Germany, JEC-Germany

Willem Van Vlastuin, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, JEC-Benelux

12:30: Lunch

2:00-5:00: Special Exhibition of items from the Edwards Collection, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 121 Wall St.)

3:30-5:00: Closing Reception (Beinecke Library)