It has been just a little over 10 years since I began visualizing the writings and theology of Jonathan Edwards. What started as a project focused on his “Images of Divine Things” notebook soon expanded to the “Miscellanies” and then to volumes 1–26 of the Yale letterpress edition, culminating in the Works of Jonathan Edwards Online 1–73. What flowered into a project written in the Python programming language became tedious to manage and keep updated.
Not too long ago I embraced the fact that Visual Edwards needed a significant update. I wanted to have something that could maximally enhance my current research and writing projects. Rather than giving the Visual Edwards code a remodel and improvement, I decided to rebuild from the ground up in another programming language. I took the opportunity to re-envision the entire project.
The new version of Visual Edwards is better, faster, and stronger. Better visual feedback, faster and more streamlined execution, and stronger search algorithms. Plus, the search results are now formatted like a to-do list with the ability to filter items with stars and mark items complete. All this and more to come.