Excellence, Christ: Visual Edwards Library

This is a map of Edwards’ mentions of Antichrist, Antichrists, Christ, Christed, Christless, Christlike, Christs, Excell, Excelled, Excellence, Excellences, Excellencies, Excellency, Excellencys, Excellent, Excellently, Excellest, Excelleth, and Excelling with their page locations in the Yale print edition of The Works of Jonathan Edwards, vols. 1-26.

“Blood of Christ”

A video visualization of “Blood of Christ” & related words from Edwards’ Table to his “Miscellanies” mapped across the entire print edition of the Works of Jonathan Edwards, vols 1—26.

The Shape of Edwards’ Thought

Miscellanies Visualized Once participants in The Miscellanies Project have selected their Miscellanies and keywords, a custom visualization will be created to reveal the “shape” of Edwards’ thought based upon their submitted criteria. Contributors will be able access their visualization on a password protected page. See the example below: Drag w/mouse, zoom w/mousewheel + when enlarged…