Better, Stronger, Faster
Tag: Visual Edwards
Invitation to the Types Explorer Project
Interested persons are cordially invited to participate in the Types Explorer project. This invitation is open to laypersons, ministers, students, and scholars. Your participation will assist in the development of the software and identifying topics of interest for digital presentations and a forthcoming book. Your input is appreciated! If we look on these shadows of…
TYPES EXPLORER: “Edwards Among the Emblem Writers”
A new addition to the Visual Edwards Project
Update: New Home and Features of Visual Edwards Project
The Visual Edwards project now has its own home at There you will find a succinct description of the project, the “who, what, where, and why” of it all, a FAQ page, sample visualization downloads, and more.
Wheels of Providence
Video and Interactive Visualization
Announcing: Visual Edwards Interactive Apps
“Heaven is a World of Love” and “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”—Playable in modern web browsers, Visual Edwards Interactive Apps provide a new approach to America’s Theologian: 3D and 2D visualizations with adjustable layout, reference links to The Works of Jonathan Edwards Online, and integrated auto-highlighting of WJEO text.
Topic Exploration in “The Excellency of Christ”
This video is an example of topic exploration in a text of Jonathan Edwards, in this case “The Excellency of Christ.”
Death and Comfort – Visual Edwards Interactive
Be therefore persuaded to think of your death and to consult your comfort [against] that time, and labor to get strength of grace. (WJE 14:275)