Spiritual Sense

For if there be in the saints a kind of apprehension or perception, which is in its nature, perfectly diverse from all that natural men have … it consists in the sensations of a new spiritual sense, which the souls of natural men have not …

Edwards on “Infused Habits”

Beginning with a notebook entry on “Infused Habits,” then drilling into the Edwards corpus with Visual Edwards software…

Sage Advice on Digital Humanities

Continue to acquaint yourselves with the latest advances and applications in digital humanities. I was a member of that transitional generation that, in less than two decades, went from paper and pen to manual typewriter to electric typewriter to computer, so understanding the digital world did not come naturally. — Ken Minkema

Inspiration for Visual Edwards

The following quotes from Thomas Schafer’s introduction to WJE volume 13 The “Miscellanies” are the inspiration for creating Visual Edwards, a tool that opens up in a new way the matrix of connections in Edwards’s writings.

Jonathan Edwards Meets Early Church Fathers

Visual Edwards software can now compare the 26 volume Yale edition of The Works of Jonathan Edwards with the 37 volumes of Ante-Nicene and Post-Nicene Early Church Fathers. Create one search profile for all corpora and then visualize. Quickly generate volume/page references. Zoom, markup, annotate, animate, and more.

Happiness, capacity, proportion

“Miscellanies,” no. 5. HEAVEN. There is no more reason why it should be a damp to the happiness of some in heaven that others are happier, than that their happiness should be damped by barely a possibility of greater happiness, supposing them to be all equal…

Intro to Visual Edwards, Part 2

Video Introduction, Part 2: A 12 minute video which introduces the software and demonstrates the process of building a visualization from an Edwards phrase.

Unraveling JE with Visual Edwards Software

The idea behind the Visual Edwards project is to visualize the writings and thought of Jonathan Edwards in a creative way which facilitates exploration, study, and presentation. The sophisticated, image-rich theology of Edwards is a perfect match for today’s visual and tech-driven culture.